Heim Beint á efnisyfirlit síðunnar

Sjöttu bekkingar taka þátt í þessu eTwinningverkefni sem Guðbjörg Ragnarsdóttir sérkennari stýrir. Verkefnið gengur út á að búa til keðjuverkandi athöfn ("Rube Goldberg Chain Reaction") sem leiðir að ákveðnu marki. Í verkefninu taka þátt 20 skólar frá 20 löndum  víðs vegar í Evrópu eða einn skóli frá hverju landi. Markmiðið er að búa til flottustu, furðulegustu og mest krefjandi keðjuverkunina. Setja á myndband um keðjuna sem má vera á milli 60 til 120 sekúntur að lengd á bloggsíðuna fyrir 14. janúar 2010. Síðan verður kosið um hver vinnur þar sem hvert land gefur hinum stig frá einu og upp í fimm stig. Verkefninu er stýrt af Dave Schrauwen frá Belgíu  og Michael Purves frá Skotlandi. Bloggsíða hefur verið búin til um verkefnið og er hægt að nálgast hana hér.


Reglur leiksins

The Rube Goldberg Project is a science/art project for primary schools wishing to create, film and upload a "Rube-Goldberg-like" chain reaction. This project is also a competition! The school which uploads the most astonishing, creative chain reaction not only wins a trophy, but also wins tons of faim!
This eTwinningproject allows 20 schools - all from different countries - to enter the competition! By entering the competition you agree to the following rules:

The timeline:
When you enter the competition, your school e-mails an image of the school and a short text in which the school presents herself!

  •  You and your class will have until Friday 14 January 2011 to create, practice, film and upload a video of your chain reaction to a videosite (like Vimeo, Youtube, ...) and embed it in this blog.
  •  When all videos are uploaded to the blog every school will watch the entries of the other participants and will decide on wich countries receive the points (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 points).
    All points should be e-mailed to Dave Schrauwen by Thursday January 20th 2011.
  • On Friday the class of Dave will record a newsflash announcing who will be the winner of the project. The link to this video will be kept secret until Monday January 24th 11:00
    (Brussels time). On 11:00 Brussels time the video will be embedded into the website, so everyone can find out how well they scored in this competition! The winning school will be sent a specially commissioned trophy, but above all wins the everlasting respect of all the other participants! 


  1. Only one school from each country will be allowed to enter. It is only possible for 20 schools to enter the competition!
  2.  The Rube Goldberg Project is for primary schools only!
  3. Once you have agreed to enter and submitted your request to the project coordinator, Dave Schrauwen you will receive an invitation to become a partner in the project, followed later by a separate invitation to contribute to the project's blog. You need to sign up for the blog, whereby you will be able to upload your finished chain reaction in due course.
    In addition, please send Dave a brief description of your school, along with a photograph, that Dave will add to the blog, so that each country can see who is all taking part.
  4. Schools who are willing to upload a short film in which they present themselves, please go ahead so we can get to know you better!
  5. The chain reaction should be created and practiced by the students only! The video may be shot by the teacher or the children.
  6. The length of the chain reaction should be between 60 and 120 seconds.
  7. All entries should be completed by Friday 14th January 2011. When your chain reaction is ready, you upload the video of this chain reaction to the blog, via www.blogger.com using either the “upload video” section of the site, or by uploading your video to Vimeo, YouTube, ... then copying and pasting the embed code into your blog post. All files MUST be uploaded byFriday 14th Januray, as each country will then need to watch all the entries and judge them during the following week- Monday 17th- Thursday 20th January.
  8. Once you and your pupils have watched each entry and chosen your favourites, email your choices to Dave Schrauwen, BEFORE Friday 21st January, so the pupils of Dave can create and record the newsflash on who is the winner of the project on Friday January 21st. YOU MUST NOT VOTE FOR YOUR OWN ENTRY!

GOOD LUCK to all countries, and enjoy making your entry, and watching all the other entries!

Michael Purves & Dave Schrauwen
Project founders



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