Nemendur úr 4. bekkjum taka þátt í verkefninu að þessu sinni undir stjórn Rögnu Gunnarsdóttur.
Flataskóli var þátttakandi í verkefninu fyrir hönd Íslands. Aðeins einn grunnskóli frá hverju Evrópulandi má taka þátt. Þetta er sjötta árið í röð sem við erum þátttakendur. Árið 2011 vorum við í fjórða sæti með þessu framlagi Íslands, árið 2012 níunda sæti með þessu framlagi, sjötta sæti árið 2013 með þessu framlagi, í öðru sæti 2014 með þessu framlagi og í áttunda sæti 2015 með þessu framlagi og 2016 í 5. sæti með þessu framlagi.
The Europian Chain Reaction var valið eitt af níu bestu verkefnum í þessum flokki hjá MEDEA Awards árið 2012. Markmið með viðurkenningunni er að hlúa að og efla notkun margmiðlunar (hljóð, myndband, teikning og hreyfimynd) í skólastarfi. Viðurkenningin gefur einnig upplýsingar og styður við það sem vel er gert á uppeldis- og menntunarsviði í þessum flokki.
"The European Chain Reaction, Winner of the special Award for European Collaboration in the creation of Educational Media 2011 is a science/art project and competition for primary schools that was created in 2011 by Dave Schrauwen, a teacher in the primary school Qworzó in Belgium.
Through this initiative, primary schools across Europe are challenged to create, film and upload a "Rube-Goldberg/Robert Storm Petersen-like" chain reaction, for which the best chain reaction receives a trophy. In the end all submitted chain videos are merged into a big cross-border European chain reaction."
Keðjan 2015 - 2016
Verkefnið gengur út á að búa til keðjuverkandi athöfn ("Rube Goldberg Chain Reaction") sem leiðir að ákveðnu marki. Í verkefninu taka þátt að þessu sinni hátt í fjörutíu skólar í Evrópu. Verkefninu er stýrt af Dave Schrauwen frá Belgíu og Michael Purves frá Skotlandi. Markmiðið er að búa til flottustu, furðulegustu og mest krefjandi keðjuna. Tekið var myndband af keðjunni sem mátti vera 1 til 2 mínútur að lengd. Þá var kosið um flottustu og best úfærðu keðjuna þar sem þátttakendur gáfu hverjir öðrum stig og vinnur það land sem fær flest stigin. Einnig er skoðað hvaða keðju er oftast skoðuð eða fær flest innlit. Ísland fékk 904 stig af 1044 stigum og lenti í 5. sæti. Belgía vann að þessu sinni. Hægt er að lesa nánar um verkefnið á bloggsíðuþess.
Hér eru nemendur verkefnisins að kynna sig.
Keðjan 2016.
Verkefnið fékk viðurkenningu fyrir flestar innkomur á Netinu 2014.
The European Chain Reaction 2016 is a science/art project for primary schools wishing to create, film and upload a "Rube-Goldberg/Robert Storm Petersen-like" chain reaction. This project is a competition and a European collaboration! The school which uploads the most astonishing, creative chain reaction not only wins a trophy, but also wins tons of faim! In the end all videos will be emerged into ONE BIG CROSS BORDER EUROPEAN CHAIN REACTION (look at the European Chain Reaction 2015)!
This eTwinningproject allows as many as possible European schools - all from different countries - to enter the competition! By entering the competition you agree to the following rules:
- When you enter the competition, your school e-mails an image of the school and a short text in which the school presents herself!
- Your kids present themselves in a short video. The best way to do this is by presenting themselves in a human chain reaction. This video should be uploaded by Friday December 18th2015.
- You and your class will have until Friday January 15th 2016 to create, practice, film and upload a video of your chain reaction to a videosite (like Vimeo, Youtube, ...) and embed it in this blog.
- When all videos are uploaded to the blog every school will watch the entries of the other participants and will decide on wich countries receive wich amount of points.
All points should be e-mailed to Dave Schrauwen by Tuesday January 26th 2016. - On Friday January 29ththe class of Dave will record a newsflash announcing who will be the winner of the project. The link to this video will be kept secret until Monday February 1st 11:00
(Brussels time). - On Monday February 1st 11:00 Brussels time the video will be embedded into the website, so everyone can find out how well they scored in this competition and how fabulous the ECR 2016 really is! The winning school will be sent a specially commissioned trophy, but above all wins the everlasting respect of all the other participants!
1. Only one school from each country will be allowed to enter. We would like to have as many as possible European countries involved!
2. The European Chain Reaction 2016-project is for primary schools and kindergarten schools only!
3. Once you have agreed to enter and submitted your request to the project coordinator, Dave Schrauwen you will receive an invitation to become a partner in the project, followed later by a separate invitation to contribute to the project's blog. You need to sign up for the blog, whereby you will be able to upload your finished chain reaction in due course. In addition, please send Dave a brief description of your school, along with a photograph, that Dave will add to the blog, so that each country can see who is all taking part.
4. All schools will upload a short video in which they present themselves so all contestants can get to know their opponents/partners! The best way to do this is by creating a human chain reaction video!
5. The actual technological chain reaction should be created and practiced by the students and their teachers (giving them advice) only! The chain reaction has to be a technological chain reaction. Children may appear in the video shortly, but the technological aspect is the most important! Look at the winning 2011 video for a very good exemple!
6. The length of the chain reaction video should be at least 30 seconds. The video may be shot by the teacher or the children.
7. Every partner is responsible for his own entry! When inserting music into the video, please use music that is copyright free. You could use a creative commons sound or song. You can find free sounds and music here:
8. All entries should be completed by Friday January 15th 2016. When your chain reaction is ready, you upload the video of this chain reaction to the blog, via using either the “upload video” section of the site, or by uploading your video to Vimeo, YouTube, ... then copying and pasting the embed code into your blog post. All files MUST be uploaded by Friday January 15th, as each country will then need to watch all the entries and judge them during the following weeks - Monday January 18th - Tuesday January 26th.
9. Please encourage your children to post a comment on the videos sent in by other countries. By doing so, your children will learn some ICT -skills and learn to express themselves in a foreign language.
10. Once you and your pupils have watched each entry and chosen your favourites, email your choices to Dave Schrauwen, BEFORE Wednesday January 27th, so the pupils of Dave can create and record the newsflash on who is the winner of the project on Friday January 29th. YOU MUST NOT VOTE FOR YOUR OWN ENTRY!
11. The newsflash in which the winner of the competition will be announced and the European Chain Reaction will be showed will be added to the blog on Monday February 1stat 11:00 Brussels time, in order for everyone to find out at the same time who has won the competition!
GOOD LUCK to all countries! Enjoy making your entry, and watching all the other entries!