Heim Beint á efnisyfirlit síðunnar

Þetta er annað Nordplus verkefnið sem er unnið í skólanum en í fyrra veturinn 2010 - 2011 tókum við þátt í verkefninu "Regnbogi menninganna". Þátttökulöndin þennan vetur 2011-2012 eru Eistland, Lettland og Litháen ásamt Íslandi. Eftir góða og skemmtilega samvinnu í verkefninu í fyrra með þessum löndum var ákveðið að halda áfram á líkum nótum og taka nú fyrir nærumhverfið og bækur. Verkefnið "From Folklore to.." samþættir margar námsgreinar eins og landafræði, tungumál, listir og hreyfingu ásamt tölvu- og upplýsingatækni. Markmiðið með þátttöku í verkefninu er að fá nemendur til að veita nærumhverfi sínu nánari athygli og gefa gaum að bókmenntum fyrr og nú.  Verkefnið hefur búið til vefsíðu þar sem hægt er að skoða afrakstur vinnunnar.

Tvær heimsóknir eru ákveðnar annars vegar til Lettlands í október 2011 og hins vegar til Eistlands í febrúar 2012.


Working on the project „Rainbow of Folklore“ we understood that one year is quite a lot, but then is too little. That‘s why we want not only to continue working on the project, but with the new and old partners to bring in new work themes – „My city yesterday, today, tomorrow“, „Literature my grandparents read, I read“. We want to entitle the project „From Folklore to ...“
The participants of this project are primary schools' teachers and pupils from Iceland, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania.
During the project time we are planning to share all the information and achievements via internet on our website, letters, sending post, CD. During our meetings teachers from project countries will introduce activities what they had with their students and will teach students at that school which they will visit.
Working on the project we are planning to study fairy stories, legends about the origin of our  cities. Pupils will prepare presentations about a modern day, city, draw future cities. Also, they will make presentations and pictures about the first books of their countries, will remember their first childhood books which they read and their parents still conserved, will create and illustrate them. During the meetings teachers will show their pupils works to partner schools‘ pupils.
We are planning that participants of this project are:
80 pupils and 6 teachers from Lithuania, 80 pupils and 6 teachers from Latvia, 70 pupils and 6 teachers from Estonia, 70 pupils and 6 teachers from Iceland. We are planning to devide this project into 3 parts:

    1. „My city yesterday“ and „Literature my grandparents read“
    2.  „My city today“ and „Literature my parents read“
    3. „My city in the future“ and „Literature I read and create“

Every month, starting in September 2011 and finishing in August 2012, the works (books, stories) of our and partner countries will be chosen, they will be read, analysed and with the help of pupils‘ pictures they will be represented to partners in the project blog. The literature for reading and presentation will be recommended by teachers, who will advice with their pupils,  from project partner countries.
We are planning 2 teachers meetings. During these visits teachers will teach pupils, observe the lessons.
Coordination of the project will be in the hands of Lithuania.
Responsibility of different tasks will be shared within the countries involved.
Estonia – will make tasks for the 2nd project part „The past“.
Latvia – will make tasks for the 1st project part „Today“.
Iceland - will make tasks for the 3rd project part „The future“, will be responsible for the project website.
Each country will create/make films where we‘ll  include children‘s pictures, illustrations, collected material from museums, libraries, performances and dramas.
Working on the project pupils from partner countries will exchange the information not only about their traditions and habits, but they will get acquintance with legends about the origin of the cities. Pupils will make short films about their native city. Also, they will get to know about partner countries modern days‘ traditions. Pupils‘ parents will be involved in the project activities, they will help their pupils and teachers, support in various situations and even take part making films.
Participating teachers and children from the schools involved in the project will be effected directly because they will work with the project. Teachers, children and parents who work with in the schools but do not participate in the project will be effected indirectly due to the fact that they will see and hear about the project in the school i.e. during meetings, seminars and school webpage. 

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