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Jafnrétti (Inclusion) 2018 er verkefni tengt málefnum barnasáttmála sameinuðu þjóðanna. Verkefnið var unnið af nemendum og kennurum í sjötta bekk veturinn 2018.

Markmið með verkefninu er að vekja athygli nemenda á hvað hugtakið jafnrétti þýðir og hvar og hvernig það virkar í samfélaginu og nærumhverfi nemenda. Athuga hvar og hvernig þeir geta haft áhrif til að það ríki jafnrétti. 

Í verkefninu taka þátt þrír skólar tveir íslenskir Flataskóli og Selásskóli og Bizkei Csokonai Vitéz Mihály Általános Iskola frá Ungverjalandi og eru nemendur allir á svipuðum aldri. Nemendur deila verkefnum sínum út á Twinspace sem er svæði verkefnisins. 


Three schools participate in this project, two Icelandic schools: Selásskóli, Selásbraut 110, Reykjavík and Flataskóli v/Vífilsstaðaveg 210 Garðabær and on from Hungary: Bizkei Csokonai Vitéz Mihály Általános Iskola. The English becomes a communication language in the project, but it is to integrate language teaching in the project. Students work at three steps on equality and each step takes one week. The fourth week is to communicate online, comparing the results of students activities. The result will be shared onTwinspace, for example on Padlet page where all participants have access. The students will have discussions, online searches, interviews etc.
All students will have access to Twinspace were they can read and write and take part in live chat and forum.
Week 1: Teachers introduce the project and what is expected of students. The students and teachers present themselves on a padlet site (Twinspace). They will brainstorm about what they think the term “equality” means - and

The aim is to make the students more aware of the concept of „equality“ (inclusion), for example in terms of gender, place of residence, origin, ethnicity, disability, religion, sexual orientation or social status. They get acquainted with their peers and their respective results and compare themselves. This fits well into the objectives of the National Curriculum Guide in Social Studies, such as life skills, religion, ethics and „equality“ (inclusion).
Students become qualified in computer, information technology and language (English) and understand what the term “equality” means and whether they can make it a reality among us. Results will be available on Twinspace (public)
A questionnaire will be submitted to students at the end of a project to examine their awareness of the term of „equality“ (inclusion) and how they felt about working on the project in this way.
We begin to work at the project in the last week of February and expect to be finished with before Easter.

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